Recommended diet to cure hair loss

Apart from the medicines and the Ayurvedic herbs, dietary habits of a person determine the health of hair and in case of hair fall, few healthy changes in the diet can stop this syndrome. As much as a balanced diet is essential for overall fitness, it also prevents shedding of hair.

Recommended diet to cure hair loss

Apart from the medicines and the Ayurvedic herbs, dietary habits of a person determine the health of hair and in case of hair fall, few healthy changes in the diet can stop this syndrome. As much as a balanced diet is essential for overall fitness, it also prevents shedding of hair.

- The herbs and medicines wont be of any use unless you start eating healthy and nutritious food. Hair needs nutrients in the body to grow, and it is our diet, which determines what is our nutrition count in a day.

- A protein rich diet is advised because proteins are the building blocks of hair. They stimulate the growth of hair follicles and help in growing strong and full hair. Fish, eggs and sprouts should be included in diet and one should have a regular intake of these food products.

- Brown rice and mushrooms are rich in vitamins and also help in enriching hair growth due to the amount of iron present in them. Make sure you include this in your diet.

- After intake of the foods rich in vitamins and proteins, we need to make sure that it is absorbed by the body. Silica helps in solving the purpose. The vitamins and minerals present in sprouts are extremely essential for stopping hair loss and promote hair re growth. Peel of cucumbers, peppers and potatoes are packed with silica.

- An iron rich food is very important for healthy body. Iron is a key producer of haemoglobin. Haemoglobin carries oxygen to different organs in the body. Healthy haemoglobin means that scalp is receiving a stimulated blood flow that promotes healthy hair growth. Fruits, especially dry fruits like rasins and cashews, are resplendent with iron. Also eggs and green leaf vegetables should be consumed regularly for being a proud owner of long and lustrous hair.

- Zinc is necessary because it helps in cell production and prevents dandruff. Thus increase the content of foods containing zinc

- The rich source of vitamin E are cashew nuts. They are very essential for long and lustrous hair. You can also make a natural hair dye of walnut. And health is just an excuse for filling your mouth with delicious cashew nuts.

- Fresh ripened fruits and vegetables provide nutrients and keep the system clean. They are must for nutrient count of the body.

- Water helps in preventing dryness of scalp and flushing out germs, which can cause hair fall. thus have a considerable intake of water in a day.

- Washing your hair with vinegar prevents dandruff as well.

- Street food is unhealthy and resplendent with unnecessary oils and fats. Avoiding it is most recommended because it can cause various health problems apart from hair fall. They do taste good, but also cause infection in the body. Making a little compromise on the taste, one can go a long way in protecting his/her health.

- Apart from being protein rich, sprouts are rich in silica. Add them to your diet as one can enjoy number of benefits in terms of hair care.