Hair Loss is just a Symptom of Greater Disorder

Ayurveda considers the body and our physical as well as psychic function as an organic whole and every aspect within this organic whole is inseparable from one another. Every individual has a particular proportion of distinct bodily characteristics or in Ayurvedic term doshas combining Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Ayurveda considers the body and our physical as well as psychic function as an organic whole and every aspect within this organic whole is inseparable from one another. Every individual has a particular proportion of distinct bodily characteristics or in Ayurvedic term doshas combining Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Now according to the differing and diverse combination of these three doshas our physical and psychic functions are determined. In addressing any disease or apparent disorder that is showing up Ayurveda can only go to the root of the adjustment of these three doshas. Thus unlike cosmetic treatment or other treatment of taking the hair loss or baldness as a separate disease the healing touch of Ayurveda for lustrous healthy hair presupposes the problem to be a mere outward manifestation of a larger health problem. So taking the problem in its root first the dominant characteristics of your body humors or doshas and their disordering proportions are to be determined and then in accordance to that the treatment can take place. It is not just different treatment for alopecia, dry hair root, dandruff or oily scalp, the problem actually lies much deeper than that.